Why People Don’t Like Mud Soap from Dead Sea

  • Created By : 2016-12-13 13:56:22
  • Write By: Ronen Malmud
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In as much as many people love and use mud soap from the Dead Sea; there is a growing number of people who do not like using this product. There are many reasons why some people do not like using the product. Though the drawbacks are by far outweighed by the many benefits, it is important to highlight these drawbacks to know why people do not like the product.

Cons of mud soap Dead Sea

  • Tingly feel

The tingly feel that comes with the use of the mud from the Dead sea is not acceptable by everybody. There are many people who are very uncomfortable with this feel and therefore making the product undesirable by such people.

Many people want to use beauty products that are smooth on the skin and not these that have tingly feel.


  • Cannot be used with fresh wounds

Another drawback of the mud soap from the Dead Sea is that it cannot be used with fresh wounds. The mud soap from the Dead Sea has eucalyptus as among the ingredients used. Such ingredients cause burning sensation when used on fresh wounds.

Therefore, people with fresh wounds find the product unfit for use and therefore making it undesirable among such people.


  • Effective with new scars only

The mud soap from the Dead Sea is only effective when used against new scars. It does not work well with old scars. Treating old scars becomes hard with mud soap. Therefore, this makes it very hard for people with new scars to use this product.


  • Takes longer to yield results

Compared to other cosmetic products, the mud soap takes a little longer to yield conspicuous results when it comes to minimizing scars. This is a setback for people who want to experience instant results for scar treatment.

Despite of all these drawbacks, the mud soap from Dead Sea is still popular amongst many people due to the numerous benefits it has. Even with the above mentioned drawbacks, you can still get many benefits for using mud soap from Dead Sea.