The Main Function of Dead Sea Minerals Cosmetics

  • Created By : 2019-01-07 13:47:02
  • Write By: Yehonatan Eshed
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The Main Function of Dead Sea Minerals Cosmetics

Dead Sea minerals are primarily used for cell metabolism as well as moisturizing the skin. The molecular structure of these minerals allows them to penetrate into the skin to nourish the cells.

There are several minerals that are extracted from the sea with magnesium, bromine, sodium, chlorine, potassium, and calcium being the main elements. These major elements are what contribute to the skin’s wellness. The main functions of these minerals will be highlighted here below to show the benefits that one get from the Dead Sea minerals cosmetics.


Magnesium is an anti-allergen that is good for sensitive skin. It is also a moisturizer and a cofactor that allows for cellular activities.


This is an antiseptic that heals and relieves the skin from diseases such as psoriasis. Not only does it heals psoriasis but also aids in relaxation of the nervous system.

Sodium and Potassium

These two elements are very useful in transportation across cell membrane. The elements are also helpful and absorption and realizing of toxins.

Potassium on its own is a water balance regulator that increases metabolism rate. Potassium is also helpful for growth in body cells.


This mineral has 3 primary functions:

        i.            Strengthening cell membranes

      ii.            Relieves pain

    iii.            Activates enzymes

These 3 primary functions of calcium are very helpful in making the skin healthy.


Zinc is also another element that makes up the Dead Sea minerals cosmetics. Zinc is helpful in regulating enzymes and cell proliferation.

The above mentioned are the major minerals that are found in Dead Sea cosmetics. It is very clear that all the above mentioned elements are very effective in promoting good skin health. It is therefore of great importance for people seeking good skin to use Dead Sea products for they contain key minerals are helpful in improving the skin.