Scorecard for Mud Soap from the Dead Sea

  • Created By : 2016-12-13 13:56:59
  • Write By: Ronen Malmud
  • Published In:
  • Read 222 Times
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Different reviews done on mud soap from the Dead Sea indicate that the product is of great value. Some of the things that make mud soap from the Dead Sea a good product include ingredients used in its making. The ingredients used ensure that users of the product get the best value. Here below is a score card derived as an average of different reviews done on this product.

The Scorecard

  • Reduction in scar size

One of the reasons why people use mud soap from the Dead Sea is to reduce the scars on the skin caused by various skin disorders.

On this point, many reviews show that mud soap is good in reducing the scar. However, an average score from the leading online reviews indicate that it scores 3.5 out of a maximum of 5. The product is remarkable in prevention of new scar formation and removing older dark spots.


  • Improvement in skin condition

Another way of measuring the effectiveness of mud soap from the Dead Sea is by putting to test its ability to improve skin condition. When using this product, skin improvement is one of the expectations. Credible online reviews show that mud soap from the Dead Sea is an important product that has the ability to reduce pimples breakout. For this, the product gets 4 out 5.


  • Value for money

The final point of measure is its value for money. The value for money is usually measured by looking at what the product offers against its price. One has to check whether the quality of product matches the price attached to it. From different online reviews and customers’ testimonials, the product fairs quite well when it comes to it being a good value for money. The average score for this point is 4.5 out of 5.


Overall, mud soap from the Dead Sea has a good score on its scorecard thus making it a product worth using. You can use this product if your primary target is improving your skin for you will surely get great value for money.