Pros and cons of Dead Sea Face Mask

  • Created By : 2016-06-19 11:25:06
  • Write By: Ronen Malmud
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Pros and cons of Dead Sea Face Mask

Many people from all over the world love Dead Sea products. The mask made out of Dead Sea mud is one of the most selling products. Face mask, is particularly liked since majority of users of Dead Sea products are interested in improving the facial skin.

The popularity of Dead Sea face mask is in itself a testimony of the many benefits it has. Just to make things clear, we will highlight all the pros and cons that old and new users need to know about the product.

Pros of Dead Sea Face Mask

Here below are some of the advantages of Dead Sea face mask.

  • Does not dry skin

This product has been used by many people before and they can all attest to the fact that it does not work dry the skin. Other products cannot be used for long period since they make the skin drier than usual. The Dead Sea face mask is good for the skin since it keeps it moisturized.

  • Lessens acne breakouts

Bacteria and dirt are the main reason why people get acne. One of the ways of lessening acne breakouts is by eliminating bacteria and dirt from the skin. The salt found in this product has purification properties and thus can easily work to get rid of bacteria and dirt which cause acne.

  • Faster results

You do not have to wait for ages to experience the results of using Dead Sea face mask. Though the results are not instant, they are better in the sense that they do not take too long to be noticed.

  • Soft and glowing skin

When you apply the mud on you face, it will result to a soft and glowing skin.


Just like any other product, the Dead Sea face mask has its share of drawbacks as highlighted here below:

  • Smell

Though the face mask has fragrance, the natural ingredients smell more. The smell may not be pleasant to many people, more especially given the fact that it is used on the face.

  • Color

The dark color of the mud applied on the face is not attractive to some people. Others would rather use the product when they are alone due to the color of the mud.