Properties of Dead Sea Mud Soap

  • Created By : 2016-12-13 13:57:12
  • Write By: Ronen Malmud
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The Dead Sea is known for its medicinal properties that make many people from all over the world to visit it to have an experience of its healing powers. The mud found in the Dead Sea is the bearer of healing properties because all minerals settle at the bottom of the sea where the mud is found.

If you get a Dead Sea mud soap, you will enjoy numerous health benefits due to many healing properties found in the mud.

Minerals and their properties

Here below are some of the main minerals found in Dead Sea mud soap and their individual properties that make them helpful in treating skin disorders and for skin beauty.

  • Calcium: calcium is an element found in the Dead Sea mud soap. It is helpful in soothing the skin and relieves skin cells. Calcium is also an important element that is necessary in strengthening cell membrane and cleansing pores.


  • Magnesium: this element present in Dead Sea mud soap is useful in accelerating metabolism of cells. It does this by assisting the body to utilize other essential nutrients. It is also an anti-allergic agent.


  • Chloride: the chloride minerals found in Dead Sea mud soap is quite useful in balancing minerals in cells and in the body, which ultimately helps in maintaining the correct alkaline and acid balance in the body.


  • Bromide: bromide is a natural antibiotic. Apart from this, it is also useful in healing and relieving disorders and also gives a relaxing effect using its anti-inflammatory properties.


  • Sodium chloride: this element is important in nourishing and hydrating skin cells. It also works to remove toxic waste from the body and in the process improves its permeability.


  • Iodine: Iodine is an important element needed for cell metabolism. It regulates metabolism energy, which is important in production of hormone thyroxin.


  • Zinc: Zinc is important in cell regeneration, which is quite useful for people suffering disorders. It is also helps protect the skin against the harmful UV rays.


  • Potassium: potassium is a multi-function element that works to provide a number of features. It helps in maintaining muscle contractions, which is important in maintaining water balance in the skin.


These are just some of the top minerals found in the Dead Sea mud soap. From the minerals, it is evidently clear that Dead Sea mud soap is made up of useful elements that have uniue properties helpful to the skin.