• Created By : 2016-06-19 09:47:56
  • Write By: Yehonatan Eshed
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It won’t come as any surprise to you to hear that the mud from the dead sea has many beneficial properties and healing abilities. It may seem toogood to be true – and most things that sound too good to be true, usually don’t live up to all expectations.  With Dead Sea mud however, everything you’ve heard is true – and then some.
Of the many, many people who have enjoyed the remedial benefits of Dead Sea mud, one of the earliest is rumoured to have been Cleopatra – possibly the earliest recorded person to understand the benefit of beautiful and healthy skin.

There are devotees the world over who can and will attest to the therapeutic nature of products made using mud from the shores of the Dead Sea. Yes, it’s true that the name “Dead Sea” is slightly misleading, so it may come as a reassurance to hear that this restorative body of water only goes by this name in English, and that the titular “dead” refers to an absence of aquatic life. In Hebrew, the Dead Sea is called “The Salt Sea” (Yam Ha Melakh), which is a more plausibly descriptive name, and also highlights the salt minerals that  epitomize the restorative and remedial qualities of the products from the area.


The black Dead Sea mud that enriches Revival Dead Sea Mudd is actually alluvial silt, which, over thousands of years, has washed down from the mountains surrounding the Dead Sea. Through the passage of time, these fine silt layers have evolved and developed into a natural, rich and therapeutic source for almost miraculously effective skin treatment, which is also believed to be advantageous for the heart and lungs.
It’s these minerals that offer the life-altering effect. When you hear the word salt, you may think of the fine white granules with which you season your food – but no. In fact, sodium chloride (regular table salt) only makes up something between 12-18 % of the Dead Sea salts, with the balance being made up of more than twenty other minerals, 12 of which are not found in any other sea or ocean. The benefits offered by the minerals within Dead Sea mud include acceleration of metabolism of skin cells, strengthening skin cell membranes and cleansing pores, nourishing and hydrating skin cells and removing toxic waste – and that’s just a few of them!


So go ahead and treat yourself to a tube of Revival Dead Sea Mudd for normal to oily skin.

Thanks to the anti-bacterial virtues of the Dead Sea Mineral Black Mud, this one-of-a-kind soap carefully removes impurities from skin in need of deep cleansing, without removing the skin’s essential moisture. It’ll be as though you were there yourself, utilizing all the advantages of this astonishing resource, but without having to leave the comfort of your home.