FAQs of Dead Sea Mud Mask

  • Created By : 2019-04-28 14:07:46
  • Write By: Yehonatan Eshed
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  • Read 502 Times
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You probably have a lot of questions about the Dead Sea mud mask and how it works. Many questions have been asked about this product; some have been answered but some are yet to get concrete answers. Therefore, we will review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and their ideal answers.

Is Dead Sea mud mask made of pure mud from the Dead Sea?

Ideally, the Dead Sea mud mask should be made from the real mud from the Dead Sea. If you buy your product from a good retailer, probably one from Israel, you will be able to get the real mud from the Dead Sea packaged in the container. However, there are many unscrupulous dealers of Dead Sea products who add a lot of water in the mud and make it dilute to profit more. Therefore, the place you are buying the product will determine whether it is made of pure mud from the Dead Sea or not.

Can you use mud mask on the face?

Yes, the Dead Sea mud mask can be used on the face and the body. However, you need to be very specific when buying the product because there are different mud masks for the face and the body.

Does Dead Sea mud mask treat skin diseases instantly?

Unfortunately, the mud mask from the Dead Sea does not offer instant solution to skin diseases. The product treats various skin diseases but it takes a few days of using the product to experience the results.

Can you buy Dead Sea mud mask online?

It is possible to buy the Dead Sea mud masks online. The best retailers of the Dead Sea products come from Israel, and it would be impractical to travel all the way to Israel to buy the products. That is why the retailers have online stores where you can place your orders and receive the products anywhere you are.

Are there risks of using the product?

There are no direct risks of using the Dead Sea mud masks. This is because the products are natural and do not contain any chemicals that may cause side effects. However, you need to be careful when buying the products because some retailers do not sell authentic Dead Sea products, and thus, there is no guarantee of zero side effects. If you buy from a top Israeli store, then there is a guarantee that you will not experience any side effect for using the Dead Sea mud mask.