All about Dead Sea Mud Mask

  • Created By : 2016-06-19 09:46:03
  • Write By: Ronen Malmud
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Dead Sea mud mask is a very special cosmetic product. For many years, scientists have been researching on what makes the mud from Dead Sea so special. But despite the many years of research, scientists have not been able to fully explain why mud from Dead Sea is so special to human skin. However, there have been numerous explanations that have attempted to explain the uniqueness of Dead Sea mud.

One of the explanations that seek to explain the uniqueness of Dead Sea mud is the fact that all minerals found in the Dead Sea settle at the bottom of the sea. Therefore, the mud is a combination of all the minerals found in the Dead Sea.

Dead Sea mud is harvested from the sea and mud masks are made from this mud. The mud from the Dead Sea is the primary ingredient in the making of Dead Sea mud mask.

How Dead Sea Mud Mask is used

Dead Sea mud mask can be used in the following ways:

Body Wraps

As a body wrap, the mud mask is applied in the whole body. Body wraps are particularly important in:

  • Relieving muscle pain: when you apply the mud mask in your body, it will relieve you the muscle pain. It is beneficial to people who constantly experience muscle pain.
  • Improved blood circulation: it also helps in boosting blood circulation.
  • Increased metabolic rate: the mud mask will also work to improve metabolism rate and enhance elimination of toxins from the body.

These are some of the uses of body wraps. It is important to note that the primary function of Dead Sea mud mask is to improve skin’s health.


Facial Mask

You can also use mud mask as a facial mask. It is used as a facial mask when the target is your face. It helps in reducing wrinkles and fine lines forming on your face. It also clears acne and make your facial skin glow.