5 Proven Health & Beauty Benefits of Dead Sea Salt Mud Soap

  • Created By : 2016-12-13 13:56:15
  • Write By: Ronen Malmud
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The Dead Sea has often been referred to as a ‘miracle sea’ given its healing powers. Those who are lucky enough to have visited the Dead Sea know of its magical powers when it comes to healing skin disorders. Nowadays, there are various products made out of the Dead Sea minerals. In nearly all the products, the Dead Sea salt is a common ingredient used in making the various Dead Sea products. The salt from the Dead Sea provides numerous benefits for its users.

Here below are 5 health and beauty benefits that one gets for using Dead Sea salt mud soap.

  1. 1.      Detoxifies

One of the things that the mud does is to exfoliate the skin drawing out impurities and toxins. This detoxification function of the Dead Sea mud is one of the leading functions of the product. It provides a holistic health detox plan that you will not need another detox plan for the skin.


  1. 2.      Improves skin health

There are minerals found in the mud that are quite helpful in improving the general health of the skin. Some of these minerals include magnesium, sodium, chloride, iron, potassium, and calcium. These elements work in harmony to nourish the skin. They also soften and moisturize the skin, thus, improving skin’s health and appearance.


  1. 3.      Increases circulation

The Dead Sea salt mud soap stimulates blood flow in the body and thus works to promote circulation in the body. With good circulation, vital nutrients move to the skin while toxins and wastes are carried away.


  1. 4.      Relieves aches & pains

Not only does the mud from the Dead Sea provide beauty benefits but also works as a therapeutic agent that helps in relieving pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. The product is also good for sports injuries.


  1. 5.      Treats skin conditions

There are a number of skin conditions that can be treated by the use of salt mud soap from the Dead Sea. Some of the most disturbing skin conditions include psoriasis, eczema, and vitiligo among many others.